How Can We Help?

Our People are our difference

yes, we have a thing for cats...

Kitty - Robert Forsyth


Robert spent more than 25 years in broadcast television in various roles from Chief Engineer to CTO. In 2002, he founded BCD, and still supports several applications written 20+ years ago.

He has been involved in the internet/digital space since 1994 and has architected several large-scale digital applications.

Kitty - Martin Johnston

lead developer

Martin joined Blue Channel in 2012, and has been developing powerful, large-scale web applications for 15 years with his own compamy. He is the 'behind the scenes' guy that keeps all the clocks and gears running here.

Kitty - Mallory Hood


Mallory joined BCD in 2016 and oversees our support and cloud footprint. He is a real genius for server management and network design.